Sasap development consultant


International Institute for Sustainable Development


International Institute for Sustainable Development

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Job Location Type


Job Location


Applicant Location Requirements

Saint Lucia    

Application Deadline

June 23, 2024


Development of three sectoral adaptation strategies and action plans in the framework of Saint Lucia’s National Adaptation Planning Process

About IISD

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) is an award-winning independent think tank working to accelerate solutions for a stable climate, sustainable resource management, and fair economies. Our work inspires better decisions and sparks meaningful action to help people and the planet thrive. We shed light on what can be achieved when governments, businesses, non-profits, and communities come together. IISD’s staff of more than 200 experts come from across the globe and from many disciplines. With offices in Winnipeg, Geneva, Ottawa, and Toronto, our work affects lives in nearly 100 countries.

Saint Lucia is highly vulnerable to climate change due to its small geographical area, which means that disasters often have country‐wide impacts. It is located along the Atlantic Hurricane corridor and depends on economic sectors directly affected by climate variability and change, such as tourism and agriculture. While the country’s contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions (and thus to human-induced climate change) is negligible, the island faces the prospects of sea level rise, recurrent drought, stronger rainfall events, and more intense hurricanes. These changes represent major threats to national development and economic growth and will increasingly affect every aspect of life on the island if no effective, timely adaptation measures are implemented.

The Government of Saint Lucia recognizes the challenges that climate change poses to its population, the country’s natural resources, and economy and has taken considerable measures to identify and address (to the extent possible) current and future climate risks at the policy and operational level. The country participates actively in the international climate change policy arena, seeking the rapid reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions and fair agreements, collaboration, and support for adaptation to build resilience and ensure socio-economic development under a changing climate.

In 2018, Saint Lucia launched its National Adaptation Plan (NAP, 2018–2028) with two overarching goals: to enhance the national enabling environment for climate-related adaptation and risk-reduction action within and across development sectors and to accelerate the implementation of climate adaptation and risk-reduction actions critical to safeguarding the country’s socio-economic and environmental systems.

The NAP consists of both cross-sectoral and sectoral measures—to enable and stimulate climate change adaptation in all development sectors and areas and at all levels of society—and is complemented by sectoral adaptation strategies and action plans (SASAPs) for key priority sectors/thematic areas. The SASAPs refine and expand the sectoral measures included in the NAP. The NAP and SASAPs are living documents developed through detailed analyses of adaptation needs based on transparent and highly participatory consultation processes and aligned with Saint Lucia’s Climate Change Adaptation Policy.

Saint Lucia’s NAP outlines the development of SASAPs for eight priority sectors/thematic areas during its first cycle (2018-2028). Five of these SASAPs have already been issued: Water, Agriculture, Fisheries, Health,[1] and Resilient Ecosystems (marine and terrestrial). The remaining three, for the education, infrastructure and spatial planning, and tourism sectors are to be elaborated under the Enhancing Saint Lucia’s National Adaptation Plan Process Through the Elaboration of Sector Strategies and Action Plans, a Strengthened Evidence Base, and Improved Private Sector Engagement Green Climate Fund Readiness Project over the course of 13 months.

As delivery partner for the Green Climate Fund Readiness grant, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) has committed to providing direct technical support to the Government of Saint Lucia (GoSL), specifically to the Department of Sustainable Development (DSD), for the development of the three remaining SASAPs.

IISD seeks to contract a senior climate change adaptation expert as a consultant to work closely with DSD and IISD in developing Saint Lucia’s SASAPs for the education, infrastructure and spatial planning, and tourism sectors. The consultant is also expected to train government staff in the various aspects of SASAP development.


The consultant will conduct hands-on training on SASAP development for a specified number of stakeholders and lead the design, implementation, and delivery of all project activities and outputs, working in close collaboration with DSD, GoSL sectoral focal points, the National Project Coordinator, and IISD.

The consultant will begin by conducting a comprehensive stocktaking exercise, reviewing relevant climate change and development policy frameworks, NAP-related documents, and sector-specific guiding documents. Stakeholder workshops will follow this to validate findings, prioritize adaptation measures, and assist in creating project concept notes. The consultant will then prepare initial drafts of the SASAPs, incorporate feedback from reviewers, and present the final drafts for validation by the National Climate Change Committee.


The following are the indicative tasks associated with the assignment to be undertaken by the consultant, aligned to the outputs necessary for developing three SASAPs.

Task 1: Conduct stocktaking

In-depth review and analysis of Saint Lucia’s climate change adaptation and development policy framework (Climate Change Adaptation Policy), the country’s NAP-related documents (NAP, SASAPs, SASAP guidelines, NAP stocktaking, NAP roadmap and capacity building plan, NAP Monitoring and Evaluation, Climate Change Research Policy and Strategy, 1st NAP Progress Report and others), and Saint Lucia’s nationally determined contribution. The consultant shall also review and analyze the guiding policy, legal, and regulatory documents for the three SASAP sectors as well as relevant peer-reviewed articles, national and regional reports, and documents related to ongoing projects in these sectors in Saint Lucia (1st, 2nd, and 3rd National Reports to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Biennial Update Report, Adaptation Communication, National Infrastructure Assessment, National Infrastructure Management Strategy, National Adaptation Strategy, and Action Plan for the Tourism Sector and others). From the literature review of each target sector, the consultant will extract key information on climate change implications and adaptation needs and compile a list of identified potential adaptation measures.

Task 2: Conduct Stakeholder Consultations

Preparation and facilitation of a series of meetings per sector with stakeholders, including government, academia, civil society organizations, and the private sector. These meetings will include:

A NAP/SASAP familiarization training, including on the Guidelines for the Development of SASAPs.
Stocktaking validation and prioritization workshop: The validation of the most important findings from the stocktaking exercise, as well as the completion and prioritization of adaptation measures for the SASAP by sectoral stakeholders, following the prioritization criteria established for SASAPs in the country and the tool prepared by DSD for this purpose in 2018.
During this mission, it is expected that additional specialized one-on-one or focus group consultations with relevant stakeholders may be necessary and will be conducted by the consultant accordingly.

Gender-responsive and inclusive stakeholder participation is to be enabled throughout these events.

Task 3: Prioritization of adaptation measures and preparation of sectoral project concept summary portfolios

Based on the prioritized adaptation measures identified in the stakeholder consultations, the consultant will work with sectoral stakeholders to elaborate project concept summaries, in line with the Guidelines for SASAP Development, and as previously done for other sectors.

The consultant will organize workshops to support the sectoral stakeholders in identifying and elaborating creating project concept note summaries, in line with identified adaptation priorities, across different locations in the country.
Project concept summaries will include: a) project objectives, b) rationale, c) target beneficiaries, d) potential activities, e) outputs, and f) indicative cost and duration for implementation.
The final portfolio will include all prioritized project concept note summaries from the target sectoral stakeholder consultations.

Task 4: Elaboration of the SASAP drafts

Preparation of the three SASAP drafts for review by DSD and the lead sectoral institutions.

Initial drafts of SASAPs to be shared with DSD and the lead sectoral institutions for comments and suggestions.
Elaboration of a second draft of the full SASAP, integrating the received feedback. This document will be widely disseminated among sectoral stakeholders and with other sectors to confirm appropriateness and accuracy and identify any potential for maladaptation.

Task 5: SASAP validation and finalization

SASAP validation: Preparation and facilitation of three half-day (or two full day) validation meetings with the National Climate Change Committee for the review and validation of the three SASAPs.
SASAP finalization: Integrating the feedback received during the validation meeting to complete the finalized version of the SASAPs.


Expected submission periods and proposed payment allocations are as follows:

Deliverable 1: Inception Report and work plan for the development of Saint Lucia’s SASAPs for the education, infrastructure and spatial planning, and tourism sectors, including:

inception meeting
draft stocktaking report to inform each SASAP.
presentation summarizing the stocktaking findings for each targeted sector.
Due by: August 2024
% Contract value (est.): 10%

Deliverable 2: SASAP for the Education Sector, including:

consultative engagement with at least 20 individuals in the education sector
stocktaking report, revised and validated based on feedback and engagement with sectoral stakeholders.
list of prioritized adaptation measures per sector.
stakeholder consultation report, including summary of NAP/SASAP familiarization training, pre- and post-evaluation forms per training event, training materials, and gender-disaggregated participant lists.
completed project concept note summary of development workshops with sectoral stakeholders.
portfolio of project concept note summaries for each targeted sector.
first draft of SASAP for targeted sector.
second draft of SASAP for targeted sector, incorporating feedback from identified stakeholders.
SASAP validation workshop with the National Climate Change Committee.
final SASAP for the education sector.
Due by: December 2024*
% Contract value (est.): 30%

Deliverable 3: SASAP for the infrastructure and spatial planning sector, including:

consultative engagement with at least 20 individuals in the infrastructure and spatial planning sector.
stocktaking report, revised and validated based on feedback and engagement with sectoral stakeholders.
list of prioritized adaptation measures per sector.
stakeholder consultation report, including summary of NAP/SASAP familiarization training, pre- and post-evaluation forms per training event, training materials, and gender-disaggregated participant lists.
project concept note summary development workshops with sectoral stakeholders.
portfolio of project concept note summaries per targeted sector.
first draft of SASAP for targeted sector.
second draft of SASAP for targeted sector, incorporating feedback from identified stakeholders.
SASAP validation workshop with the National Climate Change Committee.
final SASAP for the infrastructure and spatial planning sector.
Due by: December 2024*
%Contract value (est.): 30%

Deliverable 4: SASAP for the tourism sector, including:

consultative engagement with at least 20 individuals in the tourism sector.
stocktaking report, revised and validated based on feedback and engagement with sectoral stakeholders.
list of prioritized adaptation measures per sector.
stakeholder consultation report, including summary of NAP/SASAP familiarization training, pre- and post-evaluation forms per training event, training materials, and gender-disaggregated participant lists.
project concept note summary of development workshops with sectoral stakeholders.
portfolio of project concept note summaries per targeted sector.
first draft of SASAP for targeted sector.
second draft of SASAP for targeted sector, incorporating feedback from identified stakeholders.
SASAP validation workshop with the National Climate Change Committee.
Final SASAP for the tourism sector.
Due by: July 2025
%Contract value (est.): 30%

NB: The contract price is fixed and output-based, and this is regardless of any extensions beyond the allotted 13-month period.

*Drafts of up to two SASAPs are expected by this due date; however, there will be further discussion and agreement following an inception meeting with the consultant.

Detailed terms and references can be accessed here.


The assignment will be delivered over a period of thirteen (13) months between July 2024 to August 2025. It is expected that the consultant will be required to deliver the work through a combination of remote and in-person work in Saint Lucia during this period, inclusive of at least two (2) in-person missions to the country as necessary.


The consultant will work closely and directly with the GoSL’s DSD within the Ministry of Education, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Science, Technology, and Vocational Training. The consultant will also work closely, on a virtual basis, with the International Institute of Sustainable Development, which will provide technical guidance and administrative support for the project. The consultant is expected to collaborate with other consultants under the project, such as the Limits to Adaptation and private sector engagement consultants, to ensure synergies between expected outputs.


An advanced degree, master’s or higher, in climate change, international development, environmental science, or an equivalent relevant area.
At least 12 years of relevant work experience in climate change adaptation, environmental management, and national development strategies.
Extensive experience providing technical support on climate change adaptation to governments.
Experience in the development of National Adaptation Plans and sectoral adaptation strategies would be a strong asset.
Good knowledge of the Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) context, including governance, climate change, disaster risk management, and environmental policy processes. Experience working with a variety of stakeholders in Saint Lucia, the Caribbean, or SIDS would be an asset.
Advanced stakeholder engagement skills and experience in facilitating multisectoral participatory consultation processes.
Strong understanding of international climate finance and supporting climate finance institutions (particularly the Green Climate Fund), adaptation, and Loss and Damage due to climate change.
Demonstrated strong analytical, communication, and report-writing skills.


Qualifications-based selection: The selection of the individual with the most appropriate qualifications and references will be undertaken, i.e., the individual that scores the highest based on the criteria below.

a) An advanced degree, master’s or higher, in climate change, international development, environmental science, or an equivalent relevant area.
Points Obtainable: 20

b) At least 12 years of relevant work experience in climate change adaptation, environmental management, and national development strategies.
Points Obtainable: 20

c) Extensive experience providing technical support on climate change adaptation to governments. Experience in the development of National Adaptation Plans and sectoral adaptation strategies.
Points Obtainable: 20

d) Good knowledge of the Caribbean SIDS context, including governance, climate change, disaster risk management, and environmental policy processes. Experience working with a variety of stakeholders in Saint Lucia, the Caribbean, or SIDS.
Points Obtainable: 20

e) Strong understanding of international climate finance and supporting climate finance institutions (particularly the Green Climate Fund), adaptation, and Loss and Damage due to climate change.
Points Obtainable: 10

f) Advanced stakeholder engagement skills and experience in facilitating multi-sectoral participatory consultation processes.
Points Obtainable: 10



Suitably qualified individuals are invited to submit their application, including the following documents:

Cover letter presenting the motivation and detailing relevant qualifications, experience, and professional networks (4 pages max)
Financial proposal
Contact details of two references

All submissions must be in English. Applications will only be accepted through Bamboo HR. If you are selected for the consultancy, you may be required to provide proof of recent consultancy contract.

The deadline for submission is June 23, 2024, at or before 11:59 p.m. EST.

IISD is committed to fostering a more equitable and sustainable world and welcomes candidates who uphold our values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. In addition, to correct the conditions of social injustice and disadvantage in employment around the world, we encourage candidates from historically marginalized groups, including women, Indigenous Peoples, people with disabilities, people from different racial and ethnic backgrounds, and those who identify themselves as 2SLGBTQIA+, to apply for this position. We offer reasonable accommodations in our recruitment process and seek applicants’ advice on how best to accommodate their needs.

IISD does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, caste, ethnicity, religion, colour, disability, marital status, pregnancy, gender expression or identity, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected status.

Apply online or via email