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Gender data consultant


Adaptation Fund


Not Specified

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Applicant Location Requirements

Any country     

Application Deadline

March 29, 2024

Scope or Work

The consultant will be responsible for the following, but not limited to:

  • Support the implementation of the AF gender scorecard: by applying the gender scorecard to project proposal documents (‘at entry’), annual project performance reports, mid-term review/evaluation reports and terminal evaluation reports submitted by the AF implementing entities (‘during implementation and at exit’), and document the results and analysis using the GSC recording templates provided by the TTL;
  • Provide technical support to applying and implementing Fund’s Gender Score Card to track and monitor progress in the implementation of the Fund’s GP and GAP portfolio-wide: (i) for quality at entry; (ii) for quality during implementation and at exit. This may include assessing, analyzing and documenting gender mainstreaming components in the selected project funding proposals, project performance reports, project mid-term review/evaluation reports, and terminal evaluation reports which are submitted by the AF implementing entities, in a timely and efficient manner;
  • Support development of gender-KM products which will be developed based on the data collected in the process of application of AF Gender Score card.
  • Support other work related to implementing the updated Gender Policy and Action Plan;
  • Support in preparing report on the Fund’s gender work and progress for the Adaptation Fund Board Report to CMP (UNFCCC Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol)/ CMA(Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement);
  • Support in preparing the gender-dedicated section of the Fund’s Annual Performance Report which will include the outcome of the application of the Fund’s Gender Score Card to AF portfolio;
  • Provide technical support in producing or updating AF instruments, policies and guidance documents in line with AF Gender Policy and Action Plan (e.g., gender assessment; gender-responsive indicators, gender disaggregated data-collection; gender-responsive evaluation);
  • Support organization of gender trainings in person or in virtual setting (such as for the Board, the secretariat, and/or implementing entities) and gender events, and preparing and/or participating in gender events/meetings organized by other organizations (e.g., UNFCCC, and other partner organizations);
  • Provide support in developing and promoting AF gender-related knowledge products;
  • Provide support in expanding and regularizing exchanges on gender work with AF partner organizations;



  • Advanced university degree in climate change, environmental and social studies, international relations, sustainable development;
  • communications (‘gender-related’ is an advantage);
  • At least five years of relevant professional experience with gender and climate change adaptation;
  • Professional experience in reviewing, assessing, analyzing gender mainstreaming interventions in documents related to climate change adaptation projects/programmes (e.g., funding proposal, project performance reports, project evaluation reports);
  • Proven understanding/experience of data analysis and methodologies is a strong asset;
  • Expertise in gender mainstreaming within projects/programmes, especially in the context of climate change adaptation;
    Familiarity with the work of the Adaptation Fund, funding modalities, operations and its Gender Policy and Action Plan;
  • Excellent analytical skills, strong writing skills, and capable of working with limited supervision meeting the give;
  • Ability to capably juggle multiple tasks and priorities within tight timeframes;
  • Ability to communicate often complex and technical ideas to a lay audience;
  • Ability to build strong working relationship with people from different functions in a multicultural environment;
  • Excellent written and verbal communication and document preparation skills in English. Proficiency in another UN language is an advantage;
Special Requirements
Duration of work The successful candidate will be offered a short-term consultancy position, following the World Bank rules, for up to 60 days (up to 8 hours/day) during the period from the starting date to 30 June 2024 (contract is renewable based on the performance). Start date is in March 2024 (TBC) The work will be remotely with a possibility of travel and under the supervision of the Gender Focal Point & Governance Specialist of the AFB Secretariat.

Apply online or via email