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Industrial and planetary carbon cycle program director


Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change CMCC


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Application Deadline

May 3, 2024

The CMCC Foundation is a scientific research center on climate change and its interactions with the environment, the society, the world of business and policy makers.
Our work aims to stimulate sustainable growth, protect the environment, and develop strategies for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change.
We are looking for an experienced leader, with substantial international leadership and scientific record of accomplishment, to direct our innovative research program focused on unravelling the intricacies of the carbon cycle at a global scale.

In close coordination with the Scientific Director and the Institute Directors, through:
– Fundraising: developing new funding sources to support CMCC’s significant growth; coordinating day-to-day fundraising activities; managing program funds to the involved Divisions;
– Strategic leadership: positioning CMCC as an international leader;
Networking: establishing and collaborating with other research institutions and stakeholders to enhance the program’s reach and impact; contributing to the international scientific debate; representing CMCC at key international events;
– Program development: planning, organizing and monitoring program research activities, scientific production (papers, models, experiments, etc); managing research staff from the three Institutes to ensure deliverables are achieved;
– Team management: planning and managing human resources; facilitating internal communication; ensuring disciplinary integration;
– Talent management: Coordinating with HR; Identifying and acquiring professional profiles; developing key skills necessary for the success of the Program.

Special Requirements
– Minimum 10 years managerial experience in an international organization – 10 years experience supervising scientific activities related to industrial and planetary carbon cycle – A strong interdisciplinary aptitude – An important scientific network – Experience with international networking – Proven track record in large-scale Fundraising – Experience with coordinating research activities and achieving strategic objectives – Experience with developing and implementing a strategic vision – Excellent soft skills including people management, communication, leadership

Apply online or via email