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Ndc partnership in-country facilitator – cambodia


NDC Partnership


GPO, GVA, Water, Environment & Climate (WEC)

Job Location Type


Job Location

Phnom Penh, Cambodia    

Applicant Location Requirements

Phnom Penh, Cambodia    

Application Deadline

May 12, 2024

The NDC Partnership is a global coalition of countries and institutions collaborating to drive transformational climate action through sustainable development. In 2015, the world endorsed the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Nations signal their commitments to the Paris Agreement through Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) – each country’s strategy to cut its own greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience against the negative effects of a changing climate. The Partnership advances the goals of the Paris Agreement by bringing together nearly 200 countries and institutions in new ways to accelerate NDC implementation and enhance ambition over time. The Partnership’s work through 120 partners supporting almost 80 countries produces many examples of impact, lessons learned and ideas for the future. The Partnership is governed by a Steering Committee, co-chaired by two country representatives. The Partnership’s work is facilitated by a Support Unit based at World Resources Institute in Washington DC and the UNFCCC Secretariat in Bonn, Germany.

Cambodia has been a member of the NDC Partnership since 2019. The country’s updated NDC seeks to decrease emissions by 41.7 percent from the business-as-usual scenario by 2030, with half of that reduction concentrated in the Forest and Land Use Sector (FOLU) and the rest primarily in the energy, agriculture, industry, and waste sectors. Cambodia’s updated NDC also has a strong adaptation component. The NDC update process was conducted with a bottom-up approach involving 16 line ministries and was supported by the NDC Partnership Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP) delivered in part by UNDP and the World Bank. The work’s outcomes led to the identification of 130 mitigation, adaptation, and enabling actions across all sectors – forming Cambodia’s Partnership Plan – of which 119 were highlighted as priorities. A number of partners are supporting the implementation of the Partnership Plan, including FAO, Germany, GGGI, IRENA, IUCN, Japan, SNV, UNCDF, UNDP, UNESCAP, and UNICEF. Additionally, the World Bank and the UK supported the Government of Cambodia in developing a Long-Term Strategy for Cambodia’s Carbon Neutrality (LTS4CN) linked to the NDC. The NDC Partnership continues to support Cambodia on its NDC implementation, including by supporting coordination and resource mobilization.

The incumbent will serve as the NDC Partnership’s interface in the country and operate as a liaison between the country and other NDC Partnership members. The role is one of coordination and supportive facilitation. He/she plays a key role in ensuring the smooth implementation of the Country Engagement Process, by supporting ongoing coordination efforts between the Support Unit of the NDC Partnership, the various partners of the Partnership, and the government of Cambodia.

Special Requirements
1. Coordination and communication with key stakeholders – Ensure that communications relevant to NDC Partnership engagement are shared with relevant national, international, and local level stakeholders. – Facilitate periodic coordination and information exchange among partners in the country, with the aim of leveraging and mobilizing their respective advantages in support of the Partnership Plan. – Organize meetings to monitor and coordinate the implementation of the Partnership Plan with stakeholders. 2. Facilitation of NDC Partnership Plan implementation – Collaborate with the NDC Partnership Support Unit and the Focal Points to manage and update the Plan and integrate it with Cambodia’s online NDC tracking tool, ensuring information remains up to date and accessible for key stakeholders. – Identify implementing and development partners, compile their contact details (name of focal point, email address, telephone number) and follow up with them regarding their contributions to the Partnership Plan. – Collaborate with the Support Unit to document changes in the operating context and provide support to the government and stakeholders in decision-making processes and new development with respect to the enabling environment. 3. Mobilization of resources for implementation – Support the government in following up on and mobilizing partner financing to close its support gaps to allow for NDC implementation as per the Partnership Plan. – Update government needs and priorities for NDC implementation in the Partnership Plan. – Work with the Support Unit to produce an overview of support gaps to make available to partners. – Engage with partners, including at the local/subnational level, to link needs to services and resources in accordance with the Partnership Plan. – Assist the government in coordinating with key donors, partners, and funding mechanisms on aligning country programs and projects with the needs and gaps identified in the Partnership Plan. – Assist and provide guidance to International and Development Partners to align climate projects and programmatic objectives with the Partnership Plan. 4. Tracking of Partnership Plan implementation progress – Monitor and assess implementation of the Partnership Plan and coordinate periodic progress tracking of partners to the NDC Partnership. – Prepare quarterly country update reports summarizing key insights and progress updates, challenges, and recommendations for the way forward. – Assess progress outcomes of the NDC Partnership in-country engagement and make recommendations for adjustments. 5. Organize and support NDC-related meetings as needed – Following government guidance, support the organization of quarterly calls / in-person convenings with partners to discuss priorities and challenges related to NDC implementation. – If requested, facilitate national country specific multi-stakeholder NDC dialogues. – Support the government in preparing for NDC-related events such as COPs, regional climate weeks, national events, and other convenings relevant to showcase NDC progress and generate support for implementation of the NDC. – Organize coordination meetings between the Support Unit and the government as needed. 6. Identifying lessons learned and results   – Assist in tracking the progress of in-country engagement and provide periodic progress updates to the NDC Partnership Steering Committee, through the Support Unit.   – Liaise with the Support Unit to access and/or feed into global knowledge products. – Assist the Support Unit in the identification and dissemination of information on best practices and lessons learned from in-country engagement.

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