The CMCC Foundation is a scientific research center on climate change and its interactions with the environment, society, the world of business, and policymakers. Our work aims to stimulate sustainable growth, protect the environment, and develop strategies for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change.
Our Institute for Earth System Predictions (IESP) is hiring a talented, motivated and proactive post-doctoral associate to work in the Climate Variability and Predictions division in the framework of the ASPECT (Adaptation-oriented Seamless Predictions of European ClimaTe) Horizon Europe project (2023–2027).
The Post-Doctoral Associate will be expected to:
Conduct research on model deficiencies and the origins of seasonal-to-decadal predictability, specifically regarding the signal-to-noise problem and the impact of systematic model biases, with a focus on extratropical air‒sea interaction processes and climatic extremes;
Become part of the Climate Variability and Predictions (CLIVAP) division and assist with the production of climate predictions of different forecast horizons contributing to high-impact publications.
The appointment period will be initially of 24 months starting as soon as possible, renewable for 24 additional months pending a positive evaluation. The gross annual salary range is from 35.000 to 45.000 Euros, comprehensive of benefits, depending on qualification and working experience;
Welfare package;
Flexible working time;
Support during the immigration process, if needed.