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Senior climate science data analyst


Climate Analytics


Climate Science and Impacts team

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Job Location

Berlin, Berlin, Germany    

Applicant Location Requirements

No Applicant Location Requirements Specified.

Application Deadline

May 10, 2024
We are currently seeking Senior Climate Science Data Analyst to lead the Climate Services and Tools Group in Climate Analytics. Initially, the incumbent will predominantly work on the current flagship Horizon project – the Forest Navigator.

The Climate services and tools group brings high-quality, state-of-the-art climate risk and adaptation data to policy makers and adaptation practitioners in order to facilitate climate action. To this end, Climate Analytics has developed open-access, user-friendly and interactive online tools that make climate impact projections or policy analysis outcomes easily available to policymakers, journalists, NGO staff members and researchers. These tools can be accessed via this page. Several other tools are currently under development, or will start being developed in the next months.

The ForestNavigator project is funded by the European Commission under the HorizonEurope scheme, started in October 2022 and will end in September 2026. The scientific consortium working on the project is led by IIASA (based in Laxenburg, Austria), but is made up of more than 20 international (mostly EU-based) institutions. In this project, Climate Analytics is responsible for the co-development with policymakers and other stakeholders of two webtools visualizing important scientific outcomes of the project. The first tool will enable exploration of high-resolution information about the health status, carbon sequestration potential and other ecosystem services provided by European forests. The second tool will offer information on possible policy scenarios for forest management to the EU member states. The information visualized in the webtools will be directly derived from data generated by forestry scientists and modelers from the ForestNavigator consortium.

The analysis of the data and its preparation for integration on the webtools is performed in-house at Climate Analytics, and supported by exchanges with the ForestNavigator partners, in particular with IIASA. IIASA is responsible for some of the back-end development, particularly the validation of the datasets generated as part of the project, their storage on their servers, as well as the creation of APIs to access those data. The front-end development will be done by web designers subcontracted by Climate Analytics.

Special Requirements
You will ideally have the following qualification and skills: • Several years of academic or professional experience with at least one of the following work areas: forestry, land-use, or climate data analysis – with proven familiarity with the other work areas. • A PhD in forest, land-use and/or climate modelling, or an equivalent qualification that has provided you with a comparable understanding of the current state of the art of science in the fields of forestry, land-use and/or climate risk assessment, and similar experience with scientific practices • Good scientific programming skills and knowledge of programming languages, including Python (excellent) • Experience with programming web interfaces, in particular with JavaScript, is an asset • Knowledge and experience in system administration (UNIX) and/or IT support is an asset • Interest in climate policy • Strong organisational skills • Motivated and flexible, with the ability to work independently and take initiatives but also as part of a larger team Our working language is English, therefore very good English writing and verbal skills are necessary. Other language skills are an asset

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