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Stakeholder support and strategic roadmap – consultant, caribbean


Climate Analytics gGmbH


Implementation Strategies Team

Organization URL

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Job Location


Applicant Location Requirements

Trinidad and Tobago    

Application Deadline

March 8, 2024

Scope of Work
Climate Analytics Caribbean, based in Trinidad and Tobago supports governments in translating international climate agreements into national targets, policies and governance arrangements. The Caribbean office also works with regional civil society to raise awareness and knowledge about climate change, its impacts and the implications of the global discussion for the Caribbean. Current focus areas include renewable energy, research on adaptation and loss and damage, as well as policy approaches to the just transition and climate justice.

To further accelerate momentum around the deployment and use of renewable energy, CA-Caribbean aims to organise a short series of strategic workshops on clean energy in the Caribbean that will convene a unique group of stakeholders from community-based organizations, engaged community members, energy thought leaders, technology experts, academic institutions, civil society, private sector entities, and youth representatives.

The workshops will be set within the overarching context of the renewable energy landscape within the region and will be designed to provide participants with an improved understanding of the current energy landscape in the region, as well as an opportunity to identify and share opportunities for increasing clean energy. The series will aim to highlight and collate major existing avenues for renewable energy action in the Caribbean, as well as any underexplored options. Simultaneously, participants will be given space to exchange insights on their ongoing energy-related endeavours and experiences within the country, as well as envision and articulate their aspirations for the future energy landscape of the region. The workshop series will include an exercise through which participants develop a bottom-up strategic roadmap for clean energy in the Caribbean and at the end of the workshop series, private sector participants will be invited to sign an optional clean energy transition pledge to accelerate the transition in the region.

Climate Analytics Caribbean is seeking an individual consultant to support specific project activities on stakeholder engagement and capacity building under the ECF Re-Energize project. The consultant will work in close collaboration with the Project Lead and the Climate Analytics Caribbean office on this work. The consultant will be required to contribute to the needs assessment, identify suitable partnerships, and lead stakeholder mapping, in addition to participation in workshops, and contributing to the development of a strategic roadmap and final project report. In particular, the consultant should have a clear understanding of international trade relations within and among Caribbean countries and knowledge of interlinkages between trade, development and environment treaties.

Required expertise and qualifications.
– Master’s degree or higher in law, international relations, trade policy and education or related fields;
– Excellent command of English;
– Knowledge of: (a) public sector management, (b) International trade law and policy © capacity building (d) stakeholder relations;
– Over 10 years working in the Caribbean region on trade, development and environment;
– Excellent oral and written communication skills with the ability to write for both policy and technical audiences;
– Strong research and analytical skills;
– Good knowledge of the public and private sectors in the Caribbean;
– Excellent ability to identify and engage relevant stakeholders including government, private sector and international and regional organisations;

Criteria for Selection
Only consultants who fit the minimum requirements and qualifications will be technically evaluated and considered for the consultancy.

Apply online or via email