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Technologies for climate transition division director


Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change CMCC


European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE)

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Job Location

Venice, Italy    Milan, Italy    

Applicant Location Requirements

No Applicant Location Requirements Specified.

Application Deadline

July 31, 2024

CMCC Foundation is a cross-cutting scientific research center on climate change and its interactions with the environment, society, the world of business, and policymakers. Our work aims at stimulating sustainable growth, protecting the environment, and developing strategies for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change.

The European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE) traditionally comprising the ECIP and SEME divisions, is now launching a new division: the Technologies for Climate Transition (TCT) division, aimed at enhancing expertise in the development and evolution of technologies to combat climate change. The TCT division will evaluate the role of technological progress from a holistic, systemic viewpoint, integrating well with the empirical and modeling capabilities of EIEE, such as agent-based and integrated assessment modeling and data science.

The Division Director will be responsible for developing disciplinary competencies on the representation and modeling of technological climate strategies based on meso-scale approaches that can bridge global to local resolutions. Furthermore, the Division Director will have to contribute to the development of the CMCC research Program on ‘predicting socio-economic impacts’ which will be centered at EIEE. This will involve applying multi-scale modeling approaches that integrate physical and economic modeling at CMCC. We expect the Director to drive significant growth within the TCT Division over the next few years and to collaborate with the other EIEE divisions to advance modeling activities at CMCC.

Special Requirements
– Strong focus on research objectives; – Consolidated scientific network; – Ability to coordinate and manage personnel; – Ability to plan, organize and supervise research activities; – Good communication and interpersonal skills.

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