Intern (m/f/d) at the global carbon markets (gcm) project


GIZ – Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit


Climate Change Department

Organization URL

Job Location Type


Job Location

Bonn, NRW, Germany    

Applicant Location Requirements


Application Deadline

June 19, 2024

The Global Carbon Market project assists public sector decision-makers around the world in implementing and using market-based instruments in their national climate action projects and plans (nationally determined contributions (NDCs), long-term strategies, climate change policies and legislation). With studies, capacity-building activities and pilot programmes, the project also supports the strategic development of new instruments for cooperative approaches under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. It likewise promotes private sector involvement in the development and implementation of market-based solutions and advises both public authorities and private enterprises on the potential benefits of market-based instruments to mitigate climate change. Other project components include the provision of training to prepare government representatives in the partner countries for the climate change negotiations and providing support for regional cooperation in the carbon market. Countries involved partner countries in Eastern Africa, Caribbean region and Southeast Asia.

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