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Consultancy – gap, vulnerability and risk assessment for the development of belize’s multisectoral national adaptation plan


Protected Areas Conservation Trust


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Belmopan, Belize    

Application Deadline

April 26, 2024

Country: Belize

Donor: Green Climate Fund

Project Title: Enabling Activities for the Formulation and Implementation of a Multisectoral National Adaptation Plan for Belize Project.

Type of Consultancy: Consulting Firm or Consortium – LUMP SUM (the Firm’s cost will include Professional fees, travel related expenses, consultation costs)

Title of Consultancy: Gap, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment for the Development of Belize’s Multisectoral National Adaptation Plan.

Expected Start and End Date: April 2024 to March 2025

Duration: 12 months

Outcomes: Climate hazard impact, vulnerability and risk studies for the Development of Belize’s Multi-sectoral National Adaptation Plan in 5 priority areas.

The Green Climate Fund’s (GCF) support for the formulation of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and other adaptation planning processes was made available to all developing countries as part of the Readiness Programme. This support enables developing countries to plan and attract larger scale finance for more resilient futures by strengthening their adaptation planning processes. These planning processes are key building blocks of countries’ ongoing efforts to bolster adaptive capacities, attract investment in adaptation from a diversity of sources, and to help galvanize public and private sector-led actions to make societies more climate-resilient.

Considering the anticipated impacts of climate change, Belize has recognized the need to strategically address future climatic threats. Threats to major sectors due to climate change are linked to changes in precipitation, sea surface and air temperature rise, ocean acidification, changes in intensity and frequency of extreme weather events and natural hazards, and limited access to climate financing. These threats and impacts will be addressed through the formulation of climate sound plans and frameworks based on available scientific evidence, with consideration for the most vulnerable groups. The approach will seek to increase Belize’s resilience to climate change through improved adaptation planning, alignment to national policies and legislation, and capacity development and knowledge transfer, while also decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. It is imperative that all adaptive measures consider the collaborative efforts of the public and private sectors to address the associated challenges and impacts of climate change.

The Protected Areas Conservation Trust (PACT) has received accreditation by the GCF as a national Direct Access Entity. This role requires PACT to take on several responsibilities associated with the delivery of impactful projects within the priorities of the Fund, of PACT, and of Belize’s National Climate Change Policy & Plan and related frameworks. In collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) as National Designated Authority (NDA) of Belize to the GCF, and the National Climate Change Office as UNFCCC Focal Point, PACT has received approval for financing from the GCF under its Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme for the project entitled “Enabling Activities for the Formulation and Implementation of a Multisectoral National Adaptation Plan for Belize”.

This project will guide the future development of some of the country’s major sectors under changing climatic conditions, inclusive of the following priority sectors: i) Land Use, Human Settlement & Infrastructure, ii) Tourism, iii) Human Health, iv) Agriculture, and v) Forestry. Enhancing cross linkages with other sectors and other National Adaptation Plans using a multisectoral approach will ensure fortification of resilience to changes in the climate on a more wholistic level and help to avoid duplication, concurrently supporting vulnerable populations. The formulation and implementation of the NAP will enable Belize to formulate concrete interlinked solutions, adaptation actions in the priority sectors and will support the strengthening of existing mechanisms and adaptation responses at a multisectoral level.

The project is comprised of three substantive outcomes that will achieve the objective:

Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the consultancy are to:

i. Carry out Climate hazard impact, vulnerability, gap and risk studies for the 5 priority sectors (namely: i) Land Use, Human Settlement & Infrastructure, ii) Tourism, iii) Human Health, iv) Agriculture, and v) Forestry).
ii. The assessment should be a comprehensive assessment inclusive of indigenous and other vulnerable groups.

Special Requirements
Note: • The Experts must have combined knowledge of climate change adaptation issues in all 5 priority areas, i) Land Use, Human Settlement & Infrastructure, ii) Tourism, iii) Human Health, iv) Agriculture, and v) Forestry. • ALL KEY EXPERTS will be evaluated/scored during the tender evaluation. For further details, click on the link below.

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